Tuesday, July 5, 2011


ok, I realize it's been FOREVER since I have posted, so I decided to get back into blogging (and attempt to keep up with it). Some things that have changed in my life since my last post (no particular order):

1. I finished my junior year of college/my first semester as an elementary education major.

2. This past semester, I joined the Sigma Sigma Sigma (Tri-Sigma or Sigma) Sorority, and I gained 64 beautiful sisters :)

3. I went to Panama City Beach for Spring Break 2011 with 4 of my newly gained sisters and had the time of life.

4. While in PCB, I met a boy. Crazy thing was, he was actually from Marshall. His name is Dax Adkins, and he is a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at Marshall (Aunt Jan, are you seeing any repeating stories here?). He and I only saw each other one night while in Panama for vacation, but we met up when we got back home. Dax and I have been dating since April 15th, and I can honestly say I have never been happier :)

5. I just recently applied for a waitressing job at O'Charley's in Barboursville. not even a week passed before I got a call back and they hired me. Unfortunately, I won't be able to start my job until July 27th due to the fact that I'm about to go on vacation.

6. Speaking of vacations, in just a few short days, I will finally be out of Huntington, WV for a while (thank goodness).

I'm sure there's more to add here, but that's all I can think of at the moment! Here are some pictures for you to enjoy :)

Here is a picture of Dax and I taken last night while we waited for the July 4th Fireworks to start :)

Meet Sadie. This is Dax's dog. She always lays in the goofiest positions!

These are the lovely ladies I went to Panama with. One of the best weeks of my life!

This is my Sigma box made by my adorable Big, Carlee!

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

oops...I meant to comment here and accidently commented onthe next one. Just blame it on a senior moment. I did just order lunch off the Senior menu.