Saturday, November 29, 2008

my car wreck

yes, that is what my car looked like after some guy decided to lock up his brakes for some unknown reason. he told the cops that someone cut him off in ongoing traffic through a green light, but the witnesses say that he's lying. this is the story from my point of view:
I was coming home from Applebee's and was getting off the interstate when someone driving a van decided to stop instead of continue onto the road. well, i guess he thought i got too close for comfort behind him so he decided to follow me after i passed them. a car was slowing down to get into the turning lane in front of me so im guessing he saw this as an opportunity to get in front of me. this is where he locked his brakes up and i rear-ended him. 2 people in a van pulled up near the wreck to see if we were ok since the guy i hit decided that he would rather take photos of mine and his skid marks and my license plate(?) with his knock off razr phone than see if i was ok (im sure you can guess that he did this on purpose?). one of the witnesses called the cops while the other one came over to me to see if i was ok. i couldnt get my car door open so i just sat in my car until my parents got there. an ambulance came and asked me if i was alright. i told them that i was just a little shaken up. two police officers showed up 5 minutes later and took everyones statements. they told my family and i what the guy had told them (see the first thing i told you) and that they pretty much figured he was lying considering he had 15 feet of skid marks. another great thing about this guy was that he had about 5 kids and a wife in the car with him and the witness that talked to me until my parents got there said that when he went over there to check on all of them, none of them were in seatbelts and about 3 of the kids needed to be in carseats. i dont know what the police did about that but they told us to call our insurance company asap and have them deal with it. my mom took a bunch of pictures and one cop even told her to take video of how long the skid marks were. lets just say that after being 19 for not even a day, im not sure i want to find out how the rest of my time being 19 will turn out haha. here are some more pictures of the accident:

the back of my car. notice the skid marks (sorry these may be hands were shaking because it was so cold!

his skid marks are on the right, mine are on the left

this is the guys gross van...there was dirt all over the road. the cops said it came from underneath is van! also, notice the stare im getting from the kid in the back of the van...yep i got those same stares from everyone who was in that car when the dad was planning to slam on his brakes...because obviously he knew about half a mile before it happened that someone was going to cut him off...hmm? i find that very odd, dont u?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

hello :)



Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ready for the holidays!!!

i don't know about you guys, but i am definitely ready for this holiday season to get here. this friday is my last day before thanksgiving break. i dont go the whole week next week and i cannot wait to sleep in and be lazy! well, maybe not that lazy...i will have to write a paper for english class, clean my room, and most important of all....celebrate my 19th birthday! :)

nothing new has really happened since my last post. one thing that was exciting was that i got to pick up my PDA for school today (no, it was NOT free....we had to pay for it.) im not completely sure why we get them (nursing school students only!), but i think it will have things on there that will help us study and what not. i don't know but as soon as i know, ill let you guys know!!

hmmmm.......OH! we're definitely going to paint my room red for my birthday and christmas and my grandma (mom's mom) bought me a new memory foam mattress pad which i absolutely cant wait to put on my bed and be comfy!

a little update on the bridal shower im throwing for my sister:
`ive decided to have it May 30, 2009...i will still send out invitations way later but this is just a heads up.
`ive got games, prizes, and a few little extra things that will hopefully keep everyone entertained throughout the whole bridal shower...
`im so excited to throw this shower for my sis..she's been so great to me and i really want to show her how much i appreciate everything shes done for me. plus i want to see if she can top everything i do when its my turn to get married and she becomes MY maid of honor ;) just kidding...

well i think thats going to try to find some pictures to post but terry deleted a lot of things in an attempt to "clean up" haha....

here's what i found:

Katelyn and me at my high school graduation...

...this is Jay Bruce, my future husband :) Terry and I had AMAZING seats at my very first MLB game...i dont think this was a zoomed in picture!...

...and this is a picture of Terry and I on the ferry crossing the river to go to the Reds game....BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

15 days...........


im so excited!! my last year as a teenager!! lol

and something to be even MORE excited about...

and she asked ME to be her MAID OF HONOR!!! im so excited!!!

im planning a bridal shower at my house for terry's side of the family and my mom's side of them family. im thinking we might have it sometime in May since katelyn and curt are getting married June 27th! i cannot wait!!!!!!
on another note, i scheduled for spring semester classes last week (i was allowed priority scheduling because im a nursing student....). here's my schedule:
CHM 204 (Chemistry) MW from 2-3:15
ENG 102 (English) MWF from 12-12:50
SOC 200 (Sociology) MWF from 10-10:50
BSC 228 (Physiology) TR from 11-12:15
BSC 228 Lab R from 1-3:50
SFT 235 (Safety) TR from 4-5:15
my safety class is an international elective. i have to take 6 hours of electives within 4 years of college....i think im going to take some courses over the summer to help me get through it. there are some insanely hard courses...ill need all the help can get.