Thursday, November 13, 2008

15 days...........


im so excited!! my last year as a teenager!! lol

and something to be even MORE excited about...

and she asked ME to be her MAID OF HONOR!!! im so excited!!!

im planning a bridal shower at my house for terry's side of the family and my mom's side of them family. im thinking we might have it sometime in May since katelyn and curt are getting married June 27th! i cannot wait!!!!!!
on another note, i scheduled for spring semester classes last week (i was allowed priority scheduling because im a nursing student....). here's my schedule:
CHM 204 (Chemistry) MW from 2-3:15
ENG 102 (English) MWF from 12-12:50
SOC 200 (Sociology) MWF from 10-10:50
BSC 228 (Physiology) TR from 11-12:15
BSC 228 Lab R from 1-3:50
SFT 235 (Safety) TR from 4-5:15
my safety class is an international elective. i have to take 6 hours of electives within 4 years of college....i think im going to take some courses over the summer to help me get through it. there are some insanely hard courses...ill need all the help can get.

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Count me in to help with the whower if you need extra hands and money!