Wednesday, September 3, 2008

first blog :)

i know i havent blogged in FOREVER (since probably feb or march!) so i decided that im going to at least blog once a week and keep everyone updated on me as i go through college.

right now im in my second week of college and i absolutely LOVE it...
my first day wasnt the greatest though. ill tell u all about it!

ok well school started on august 25th, and earlier that week i had been feeling a little nervous and had almost no appetite (and as most of u know, thats highly unlike me. i eat 24/7). anywho, monday morning rolls around and i wake up around 6:30 and feel sick to my stomach. i go into the bathroom and my mom asks me whats wrong and i just break down and start bawling my eyes out. i was having a meltdown!! my mom calmed me down after about 5 or 6 minutes and told me to go take some Tums (yuck!) for my stomach and lay back down. i was fine for about 30 minutes. then right before my parents left to take trev to school and go to work, i puked. yep, thats right. my nerves got to me and i lost it. after that big ordeal, i finally decided to go get a shower and get ready for what i thought was going to be the scariest thing i would ever have to go through.

turns out college is AWESOME!!! i absolutely love it... here are the classes im taking
-human anatomy on MWF + a lab every thursday
-uni 101 (a stupid college course everyone is required to take) on MW
-chemistry on TTh
-psychology on TTh
-math on MW
-english on MWF
total hours: 17!

no too the only class i really dont care for is chemistry...i believe my chem teacher has been in the chem lab a little too long (if u know what i mean)...

well i guess i better head to math now...ill post something either later today or later on in the week!



Jan AKA Wammy said...

Hey Al...welcome back to the blogging world. I've got you hooked up so now I will know when you post. MU is a blast. Just remember to go to class. Sept 8, 1972 your Uncle Mark and I met at the Student Union...and the rest is history! Have a good time.

The Oakes said...

hey alex, glad to see you are back to blogging and glad that MU turned out to be way better than you thought.

Sabrina said...

Glad school is going well. Keep up the blog!