bad news: my left eye had beed botherting me on tuesday and wednesday, so yesterday morning (wednesday), i decided to take my contacts out and wear my glasses to school. well, when i tried to take my left one out, i had a few problems (nothing out of the ordinary since i have long (fake) nails again). after i got my righ contact out with hardly any problems, i realized that i couldnt find my left contact. it fell out somewhere and is no where to be found. anywho, after blindly looking for it for about 15 minutes, i gave up, but i realized that i had a weird feeling in my left eye. it felt like there was a hair on my eyeball and i couldnt get it to go way. i decided to ignore it and put my glasses on and went to school. as i was walking to my class, i called my mom and told her about what had happened this morning with my contacts. she asked me if i wanted to come to the hospital and see if she could see anything in my eye, but i told her that i was ok and that i could always ask my friend rachel to check it if needed. well, after anatomy class i call my mom and tell her that im coming to let her check out my eye. i told her that when i looked in the bathroom mirror, i saw a scratch or something above my iris. she looked at it and said that i was right about the scratch. she called the eye doctor at walmart to see if i could come in and let the doctor take a look. so i go to the doctor and he tells me that i have a corneal ulcer and it could potentiall be serious.....meaning i would have to get a cornea transplan! (here's some information on it - just a little background on me and my contacts: i sleep in them and i dont take them out for about 2-3 months. i DO NOT recommend doing that. BACK TO THE STORY! so in order to treat my eye, the doctor dilated my eye (and its still not completely back to normal - almost 32 hours later) and prescribed me Vigamox (heavy-duty eyedrops) and gave me the following instructions:
-one drop every 15 minutes for 2 hours,
-one drop every hour for 2 hours,
-one drop every 2-3 hours
and since my eye was dilated, and i couldnt see without my glasses, i had to walk around walmart AND campus looking like this:
no i was not happy looking like this...more like embarassed. i got many stares and i kept my head down a lot when walking...luckily i was past the one-drop-every-15-minutes phase and only had to put on drop in in my math class.
i went back to the doctor today (thursday) to have a little checkup to make sure my eye was healing ok and the doctor said everything seemed to be healing ok and that i had a pretty serious ulcer...more serious than most. now, if that doesnt scare me, idk what will. but i was told that my ulcer should heal just fine but would leave a scar on my cornea. good think about the position of the ulcer is that i cant see it so my vision shouldnt be impaired. i go back monday to see when i will be able to wear contacts again (which im not sure if i really want to haha).
ok, ok, enough bad news. time for the good news!!!
today started out ok. i had a psychology exam this morning. let me tell u a little bit about the lady who (tries to) teach our class...i believe she is a grad student but looks as though she should be ready to retire and every day that she comes into the classroom (which is only tuesdays and thursdays), she complains about having so much homework and not getting enough sleep and blah blah blah...and what makes it worse is that she doesnt really know how to teach (that is why i didnt call her my teacher or my professor earlier in the paragraph). so ANYWAYS, we had our exam today and she gave us a "study guide" (i wouldnt really call it that since everything on the test was NOT on the study guide) so im sure i didnt do so well on that exam.
BUT! i also had an anatomy lab midterm today (i LOVE anatomy, but i could do without the lab) and im almost positive i got every single answer right!!!! there were 25 questions + two bonus...i cant wait until next week to figure out what i got!! so theres my bad and good news :)
now for just some random news thats been going on the past couple of days:
-last weekend i went to hibachi with my friend mark and tried sushi for first time (technically the second but the first time was at a buffet so i dont really count that one) and i actually like it!
-i got a 90% on my second anatomy exam...the class average was a 68.5%
-we finally picked a book for our iTEAMS group. we chose Perspectives and i cant wait to read it! we read the first chapter and it seems like it's going to be a good read.
-ummm its been pretty warm the past couple of days and its supposed to feel like summer for a few days..
i guess thats all...this has been a very long, but much needed, post!