it's official. starting today around 1:30pm, i officially became...
...AN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MAJOR!!!!!!!!!!! more nursing for me. i will finish out this semester, and then in the spring i will begin working towards getting a teaching license!! i can't wait!!! i've been praying about this for a week or two, and i just can't see myself as being a nurse for the rest of my life..long story short, i felt miserable waking up for my ONE nursing class ONCE A WEEK and i didn't want that to be the rest of my life. im happy with my decision. thanks for reading!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
My Savior, My God
Next Sunday, I am going to ask to be a member of Sabrina's church, 26th Street Baptist Church. I'm so excited and thankful that her church family has accepted me as one of their own. I am part of the choir, the praise team, and Sabrina and I teach the preschoolers on Wednesday nights. I love it.
Speaking of teaching...I have been thinking a lot about my career plan, and if nursing is really want I want to do for the rest of my life, and I have decided to switch my major to Elementary Education. I've thought for a few days about this, and I've talked to mom, Terry, Sabrina, and Matt about this decision, and they support me. I just don't feel that nursing is my true calling, and I don't want to wake up every morning dreading going to school (and eventually work) like I pretty much do now. I'm going to continue to pray about this, and I know God will point me in the right direction.
Back to talking about church and God. Lately, I have noticed God working in my life. I know he has always worked in my life, I just haven't paid much attention. I used to ignore Him, thinking that I knew what I wanted/needed, and that I could worry about worshipping God later. SO NOT TRUE!!! I fully believe God has a purpose for my life, and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me in the future. God is so good!
Well, yesterday was the start of this year's Pumpkin Festival. I remember a couple years ago, my bif brother, Tyler, asked me to bring him home some Pumpkin Ice Cream since he wouldn't be home to get some himself. This year, I will eat some for him :) LOVE AND MISS YOU, BUBBY!!!
Matt's parent's came to Huntington yesterday. They want to go out to dinner tonight to the Blackhawk Grille. Unfortunately, mom has to work late again tonight, so my parents wont be able to make it. Mom has been SUPER busy with work lately. She has been doing employee evaluations (she has 56 employees...yikes!) and hasn't had a moment to herself for a while. I've been trying to help out around the house by cleaning and running errands for her and Terry so they have a little less stress. Today I went to Walmart for them so they (and the rest of the fam) would have things to eat and drink haha.
I have been super stressed for the past week. Wednesday from 1-3, I gave FLU SHOTS to about 30 people. It was SO FUN!! The only extreme bleeder I had was, of course, Matt haha it was pouring down his arm. Scared me to death, but thank goodness it was someone I knew and who knew me. I only had to put bandaids on maybe 3-4 people, including him, so I consider that a SUCCESS!! But what has really been stressing me out, is that I have a Yoga final on Monday (which isn't that stressful) and 2 exams on Tuesday (which are in my harder classes, and are extremely stressful)!! the 2 exams are Pharmacology and Statistics. its not that I don't like those subjects, it's the fact that there's so much information that I have to cram into my brain in four days! oh my goodness....but I know that God will give me the strength to get me through this rough time.
Well, I think that is all for now. Thanks for reading!!!
Speaking of teaching...I have been thinking a lot about my career plan, and if nursing is really want I want to do for the rest of my life, and I have decided to switch my major to Elementary Education. I've thought for a few days about this, and I've talked to mom, Terry, Sabrina, and Matt about this decision, and they support me. I just don't feel that nursing is my true calling, and I don't want to wake up every morning dreading going to school (and eventually work) like I pretty much do now. I'm going to continue to pray about this, and I know God will point me in the right direction.
Back to talking about church and God. Lately, I have noticed God working in my life. I know he has always worked in my life, I just haven't paid much attention. I used to ignore Him, thinking that I knew what I wanted/needed, and that I could worry about worshipping God later. SO NOT TRUE!!! I fully believe God has a purpose for my life, and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me in the future. God is so good!
Well, yesterday was the start of this year's Pumpkin Festival. I remember a couple years ago, my bif brother, Tyler, asked me to bring him home some Pumpkin Ice Cream since he wouldn't be home to get some himself. This year, I will eat some for him :) LOVE AND MISS YOU, BUBBY!!!
Matt's parent's came to Huntington yesterday. They want to go out to dinner tonight to the Blackhawk Grille. Unfortunately, mom has to work late again tonight, so my parents wont be able to make it. Mom has been SUPER busy with work lately. She has been doing employee evaluations (she has 56 employees...yikes!) and hasn't had a moment to herself for a while. I've been trying to help out around the house by cleaning and running errands for her and Terry so they have a little less stress. Today I went to Walmart for them so they (and the rest of the fam) would have things to eat and drink haha.
I have been super stressed for the past week. Wednesday from 1-3, I gave FLU SHOTS to about 30 people. It was SO FUN!! The only extreme bleeder I had was, of course, Matt haha it was pouring down his arm. Scared me to death, but thank goodness it was someone I knew and who knew me. I only had to put bandaids on maybe 3-4 people, including him, so I consider that a SUCCESS!! But what has really been stressing me out, is that I have a Yoga final on Monday (which isn't that stressful) and 2 exams on Tuesday (which are in my harder classes, and are extremely stressful)!! the 2 exams are Pharmacology and Statistics. its not that I don't like those subjects, it's the fact that there's so much information that I have to cram into my brain in four days! oh my goodness....but I know that God will give me the strength to get me through this rough time.
Well, I think that is all for now. Thanks for reading!!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
unknown title
so I have come to find that I am a terrible blogger, but I honestly have nothing to talk about! I try to save up all the cool stuff and put it in one post, but then I end up forgetting most of what I want to are some things I remember!
-Sabrina and I are the preschool teachers for Wednesday night church! last week we had 4 kids (3 girls and 1 boy). this week we just had the three girls. we're hoping that more kids come! this experience has shown me that I should probably never be a school teacher due to the fact that I want to buy anything and everything for our classroom: scissors, crayons, attendance chart, stickers (LOTS of stickers!), books, etc. Some things I had lying around the house, other things I bought at the dollar tree and Latta's on fourth avenue. I'm praying that God will bless our class and bring more children to learn about Jesus!!!
-Matt and I had a fight last week. it wasn't pretty, but we're doing a lot better and growing from that experience. that's all im going to say about that.
-this weekend, my family and I will be heading to Cincinnati, OH to watch my cousin, Bryce, get married. so exciting!! i love weddings!!!
-I have applied for a couple jobs. I first applied to Shoe Carnival at the mall, thenI applied to Kohl's, then I applied to the Disney Store at the mall. this was all about 3-4 weeks ago. Last week I had an interview with the manager of the disney store (the only call i received to have an interview) and I thought it went pretty well. they said that they would try to call everyone that would get a second interview with the district manager by monday (Sept. 27th). when i didnt get a call, i assumed that they didn't want to hire me, so I applied to Home Depot. now, i know that may sound a little out of character for me, considering i have absolutely NO handiwork experience whatsoever, but sabrina suggested that I apply to be a cashier (which is the job im looking for!). so tuesday rolls around, i still havent heard from the disney store, so i fill out the home depot application online. wedneday morning, i'm looking in my mirror in my room getting ready, and im thinking about how i didnt get a call back from the disney store. i wasnt necessarily upset, but it made me a teensy weensy bit sad that I "wasnt good enough" to work for my most favorite store in the entire mall! (well maybe not my absolute favorite, but it ranks pretty high due to the fact that i want to LIVE in disney world!) anywho! i go to pick up trevor from the school bus (turns out, he was already at his friends house), and my phone rings. unknown number. i answer, and its THE DISNEY STORE!!!!!! they want me to come in for a second interview, but I will probably end up having a phone interview because of my hectic school schedule on thursdays! so now i am in the dilemma. which to choose: home depot (well, they kind of have to call me first) or the disney store? i need some help/advice!!!!!!!
-i have cleaned out my room and gotten rid of a TON of stuff. if anyone really knows me, i hate just throwing things away unless i for sure know that it belongs in the garbage. I am a pack rat, not a hoarder (mom!)...I do like to keep things from my childhood, but i have learned to let things go. I donated a LOT of my old stuffed animals that were just sitting and collecting dust above my TV (I of course kept all of my Tiggers!!!), I cleaned out both of my closets and rearranged things so I have more space in my room, and I donated a lot of books (about 30-40) to Empire Bookstore. now, the cool thing about donating my books there, is that they give you store credit or cash for your unwanted books...and guess how much store credit i got for all of my books? drum roll please................$90!!!!!!!! yes, you read that correctly!!! $90! and i can spend that on ANYTHING in the store: books, magazines, marshall stuff, wrapping paper, greeting cards, you name it! if they have it in the store, you can use your store credit on it! i went today because trevor and i had cleaned out his bookcase and he had about 20-30 books he wanted to get rid of, so we took them down there last week. he ended up getting about $43 in store credit, but he wanted the cash instead, so we went down to pick up his earnings. he ended up getting $26. I looked around a bit, and bought 3 greeting cards (2 birthday and 1 bridal shower), marshall tattoos for your face, green and white striped knee socks, 3 books (1 touch-and-feel for tristan and 2 books for mine and sabrina's preschool class), and 1 magnet for around $32! thank goodness for my store credit!!!
-so if you havent heard yet, matt's family invited me to go on vacation with them over spring to........HONOLULU, HAWAII!!!!!! i am SO excited!! matt and I will be staying for 6 days, and his parents will be staying for about 2 weeks. i have been saving up for about a month now (babysitting is GREAT!!). so far i have $120 saved that i WILL NOT SPEND unless it is an absolute emergency (this is also why i want to get a job - to have more money for my trip!). I never dreamed that i would get the chance to go to hawaii!! yayyyy
well this post is EXTREMELY long. i will try not to go so long without posting again! sabrina, hold me to this: i will try to blog at LEAST once a week. i will FIND things to talk about!
God is so GOOD!
-Sabrina and I are the preschool teachers for Wednesday night church! last week we had 4 kids (3 girls and 1 boy). this week we just had the three girls. we're hoping that more kids come! this experience has shown me that I should probably never be a school teacher due to the fact that I want to buy anything and everything for our classroom: scissors, crayons, attendance chart, stickers (LOTS of stickers!), books, etc. Some things I had lying around the house, other things I bought at the dollar tree and Latta's on fourth avenue. I'm praying that God will bless our class and bring more children to learn about Jesus!!!
-Matt and I had a fight last week. it wasn't pretty, but we're doing a lot better and growing from that experience. that's all im going to say about that.
-this weekend, my family and I will be heading to Cincinnati, OH to watch my cousin, Bryce, get married. so exciting!! i love weddings!!!
-I have applied for a couple jobs. I first applied to Shoe Carnival at the mall, thenI applied to Kohl's, then I applied to the Disney Store at the mall. this was all about 3-4 weeks ago. Last week I had an interview with the manager of the disney store (the only call i received to have an interview) and I thought it went pretty well. they said that they would try to call everyone that would get a second interview with the district manager by monday (Sept. 27th). when i didnt get a call, i assumed that they didn't want to hire me, so I applied to Home Depot. now, i know that may sound a little out of character for me, considering i have absolutely NO handiwork experience whatsoever, but sabrina suggested that I apply to be a cashier (which is the job im looking for!). so tuesday rolls around, i still havent heard from the disney store, so i fill out the home depot application online. wedneday morning, i'm looking in my mirror in my room getting ready, and im thinking about how i didnt get a call back from the disney store. i wasnt necessarily upset, but it made me a teensy weensy bit sad that I "wasnt good enough" to work for my most favorite store in the entire mall! (well maybe not my absolute favorite, but it ranks pretty high due to the fact that i want to LIVE in disney world!) anywho! i go to pick up trevor from the school bus (turns out, he was already at his friends house), and my phone rings. unknown number. i answer, and its THE DISNEY STORE!!!!!! they want me to come in for a second interview, but I will probably end up having a phone interview because of my hectic school schedule on thursdays! so now i am in the dilemma. which to choose: home depot (well, they kind of have to call me first) or the disney store? i need some help/advice!!!!!!!
-i have cleaned out my room and gotten rid of a TON of stuff. if anyone really knows me, i hate just throwing things away unless i for sure know that it belongs in the garbage. I am a pack rat, not a hoarder (mom!)...I do like to keep things from my childhood, but i have learned to let things go. I donated a LOT of my old stuffed animals that were just sitting and collecting dust above my TV (I of course kept all of my Tiggers!!!), I cleaned out both of my closets and rearranged things so I have more space in my room, and I donated a lot of books (about 30-40) to Empire Bookstore. now, the cool thing about donating my books there, is that they give you store credit or cash for your unwanted books...and guess how much store credit i got for all of my books? drum roll please................$90!!!!!!!! yes, you read that correctly!!! $90! and i can spend that on ANYTHING in the store: books, magazines, marshall stuff, wrapping paper, greeting cards, you name it! if they have it in the store, you can use your store credit on it! i went today because trevor and i had cleaned out his bookcase and he had about 20-30 books he wanted to get rid of, so we took them down there last week. he ended up getting about $43 in store credit, but he wanted the cash instead, so we went down to pick up his earnings. he ended up getting $26. I looked around a bit, and bought 3 greeting cards (2 birthday and 1 bridal shower), marshall tattoos for your face, green and white striped knee socks, 3 books (1 touch-and-feel for tristan and 2 books for mine and sabrina's preschool class), and 1 magnet for around $32! thank goodness for my store credit!!!
-so if you havent heard yet, matt's family invited me to go on vacation with them over spring to........HONOLULU, HAWAII!!!!!! i am SO excited!! matt and I will be staying for 6 days, and his parents will be staying for about 2 weeks. i have been saving up for about a month now (babysitting is GREAT!!). so far i have $120 saved that i WILL NOT SPEND unless it is an absolute emergency (this is also why i want to get a job - to have more money for my trip!). I never dreamed that i would get the chance to go to hawaii!! yayyyy
well this post is EXTREMELY long. i will try not to go so long without posting again! sabrina, hold me to this: i will try to blog at LEAST once a week. i will FIND things to talk about!
God is so GOOD!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
there's gotta be something more...
ok, i know i havent blogged in what seems like forever. this summer has been a rollercoaster of vacations and non-stoppness haha. first we went on a cruise, then i flew to maryland for 2 weeks, and we just got back from the beach last sunday. hopefully no more vacations, minus a trip to kings island with my best friend, tarajo, or my family. this pose wont be very exciting. i just wanted to say some things that have been on my mind lately. i recently found out that a girl i used to have bible study with has cancer, and while i've known many people who have or have had cancer before, it makes me reconsider a lot of things in my life. i've been an ungrateful person lately and i plan to change all of that. when i go back to school, i plan to be more outgoing and talk to more people/make new friends. i'm going to start appreciating the little things in life. i'm going to learn that not everything has to be a big thing, and that things will happen in time. i'm not going to put things off until tomorrow if i can do them today. im going to make every day more productive, and be more positive about life. im going to pray more, and grow closer to God. ive been going to sabrina's church lately, and i absolutely love it! thank you to anyone who happens to read this. i greatly appreciate it! God Bless
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I'm Leavin' On A Jet Plane!!
Ok guys, so tomorrow is my first time flying somewhere alone....AND I'M FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!! Sabrina, Tyler, and Tristan are taking me to the airport...thank goodness! Hopefully they can help me if I need it. The only thing I'm worried about is not having something crucial, like my boarding pass (which is packed away in my carry-on with my other boarding pass when I get to Charlotte). I'm really worried that something is going to go wrong when I'm not in WV and I won't have anyone there with me........
Everything is paid for, so I shouldn't have to worry about paying for anything (and my suitcase is ~40 lbs., so I'm good in that department. Pray they don't lose my luggage when I switch planes in Charlotte. And I've heard that Charlotte is a pretty big me have to run from one end of the airport to another within 10 minutes. That would definitely be my luck haha. Well, I will try to keep you guys updated. I'm going to try to blog while in Maryland.
Love you guys! I will see you in 2 weeks!!!!
Everything is paid for, so I shouldn't have to worry about paying for anything (and my suitcase is ~40 lbs., so I'm good in that department. Pray they don't lose my luggage when I switch planes in Charlotte. And I've heard that Charlotte is a pretty big me have to run from one end of the airport to another within 10 minutes. That would definitely be my luck haha. Well, I will try to keep you guys updated. I'm going to try to blog while in Maryland.
Love you guys! I will see you in 2 weeks!!!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
happy father's day!!
As you all know, today was father's day. i spent a few hours with my daddy and grandma, then came home and went to mamaw and papaw ellis's house. i didnt take any pictures today :( but here is a picture of something i painted last friday at The Pottery Place

It's called a medium-sized nesting tray, but I decided that I wanted it to be my cookie tray :) I can't wait to get it back this coming Friday so I can make cookies and put them on it haha
Anyways, for those of you who havent heard about The Pottery Place, it is a place that recently moved to Pullman Square (it used to be on 1st Street and 6th Avenue) and you can paint pieces of pre-made pottery, from 4x4-inch tiles to piggy banks to XL platters, any color you want. It's a really great place to go if you want to make something special for that special someone lol I've made a garden stake for my boyfriend's mom, multiple tiles for different people, a plate for my grandma (I painted a family tree on it with birds on the branches), an ice cream bowl for Terry, and magnets for my boyfriend and Sabrina. I'll try to find some pictures of them and post them (keep in mind that most of these haven't been fired in the kiln yet so they look a little different now than in these pictures lol).

It's called a medium-sized nesting tray, but I decided that I wanted it to be my cookie tray :) I can't wait to get it back this coming Friday so I can make cookies and put them on it haha
Anyways, for those of you who havent heard about The Pottery Place, it is a place that recently moved to Pullman Square (it used to be on 1st Street and 6th Avenue) and you can paint pieces of pre-made pottery, from 4x4-inch tiles to piggy banks to XL platters, any color you want. It's a really great place to go if you want to make something special for that special someone lol I've made a garden stake for my boyfriend's mom, multiple tiles for different people, a plate for my grandma (I painted a family tree on it with birds on the branches), an ice cream bowl for Terry, and magnets for my boyfriend and Sabrina. I'll try to find some pictures of them and post them (keep in mind that most of these haven't been fired in the kiln yet so they look a little different now than in these pictures lol).
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
hey, hey, hey!!
hello everyone!
We are back from the cruise! It went by wayyy too fast, but we had an AWESOME time! I took over 350 pictures with my phone, and mom and terry took over 100 pictures with their camera! that's a LOT of are some:

This is our ship, the Carnival Dream. It is currently their newest and largest ship. They are making two more ships after this one.

This is a picture of the multiple slides on the ship. One turns into a big bowl that you go around in 2-3 times. Terry came into the bowl so fast that he almost didnt stop haha

Terry and I on the 12th deck before we left Port Canaveral

Here is 1 of the pools that was in the middle of the ship, and the ginormous movie screen that they played concerts, movies, and very pretty scenery on. I watched Julie & Julia one night out there. So fun!

This is the view from the 10th deck down to the 3rd deck. There are four glass elevators to the left. They were really neat to ride in.

This is the sunrise on the very first morning after getting on the ship. We were so close to Nassau, Bahamas (about an hour or less away). You can't really tell, but there's a little bit of the island is the far, far distance lol just along the top of the water

We found this in one of the shop areas. Here's trev haha


This is one of the pictures we took on the catamaran while we were on our way to the first snorkeling spot. I really thought that I would have freaked out about snorkeling in such deep water, but I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Trevor freaked out a little at first because the guy basically threw him into the water before he was ready. He was fine after about 15 minutes, then it was like he was a natural and had been snorkeling for years! It was GREAT!

Here is the coral reef that we snorkeled over. There were tons of fish around it.

This is the beach we visited after snorkeling. Isn't it beautiful?

Look at how beautiful the water is! I wish I was still there...


Trevor and mom at dinner on the second or third night!

Trevor and Terry...

Mom and I at dinner...

Terry and I...

This is the casino on the ship. You are able to gamble at sea if you are 18 or older, so Terry gave me a $20 and I went to work. I played the penny slots first, but had to bet 20 cents each time. At one point I won up to $12.04 (+ the $20 I already had, so I was up to $32.04!), so I left that machine to go cash in. When I left the machine, I felt like I wanted to play some more so I found some different machines to play at. At a different one, I had got down to 50 cents (I had lost almost EVERYTHING!), but this machine was really cool. There were 5 reels or whatever they are, and if you got BONUS on two reels, they locked those and let the other three spin once to see if you could get one or more BONUS's. If you got another BONUS, the machine gave you FIFTEEN FREE SPINS! how awesome is that? So I just so happened to get 15 extra spins (plus some since I got a couple more BONUS's in those 15 spins). In the end, I ended up winning $12.96 cents :) pretty good for a first timer, especially since I was down so much!

Here is a picture I took of the picture we had taken after dinner one night. We clean up nicely if you ask me!

The back of the ship while we were sailing. The second pool was located back here. Both pools were salt water pools

Here we are pulling into St. Thomas on the fourth day of our trip!


WENDYS!!!!! lol

Ok, this guy totally saw me taking a picture, so he decides to step in and pick his nose....awesome.

Here is a really great picture of our entire ship. we were a couple miles from the port and there was an open area for people to go to the ocean so I took a picture :)

The kids here were still in school here.

You're Welcome! :)

Pulling into St. Maarten. There are two sides to this extremely small island: the Dutch side (where they spell it St. Maarten) and the French side (where they spell it St. Martin). The island is 37 square miles, with the Dutch side being the smaller of the two sides.

Welcome the St. Maarten :)

Everything in this shop is made out of bamboo! sheets for your bed, shirts, towels, etc.

Tommy Hilfiger

Polo Ralph Lauren

A cute hotel

MCDONALDS!!! I saw it about a mile away :) lol it was two stories long. I got a kit kat mcflurry. They didn't mix it up like we do here, and they added a layer of hot fudge under the kit kat pieces lol it was YUMMY!!!! Oh, and they sold Beer here, and chicken wings lol

Haagen-Daz <3


an AWESOME candy store. Everything was 3cents/gram, and he had EVERYTHING!!!

The picture doesn't do it justice, but this lizard was big! lol

Mom and Terry on our last snorkeling trip

This is the sail that was on our catamaran

Mine and Trevor's room. It had NO windows so unless I set an alarm, we never knew what time it was! lol

A pretty sunset. I took this on the serenity deck. That was the "Adults Only" deck. It was very pretty!

I found out that I can FLOAT!!!!! I'm a terrible floater lol

It was Trevor's birthday the last day we were on the ship, so mom suprised him by ordering a cakem and they delivered it to him during our dinner. Our waiter made him ears our of this napkin and put it on his head lol

When we got back to Florida, mom and Terry agreed to take me to DOWNTOWN DISNEY!!!! yayyyyyyy!! my very favorite part of the whole trip hahaha
ALRIGHT!!!! that's a lot of pictures for you guys to check out so let me know what you think of them!! :)
We are back from the cruise! It went by wayyy too fast, but we had an AWESOME time! I took over 350 pictures with my phone, and mom and terry took over 100 pictures with their camera! that's a LOT of are some:
This is our ship, the Carnival Dream. It is currently their newest and largest ship. They are making two more ships after this one.
This is a picture of the multiple slides on the ship. One turns into a big bowl that you go around in 2-3 times. Terry came into the bowl so fast that he almost didnt stop haha
Terry and I on the 12th deck before we left Port Canaveral
Here is 1 of the pools that was in the middle of the ship, and the ginormous movie screen that they played concerts, movies, and very pretty scenery on. I watched Julie & Julia one night out there. So fun!
This is the view from the 10th deck down to the 3rd deck. There are four glass elevators to the left. They were really neat to ride in.
This is the sunrise on the very first morning after getting on the ship. We were so close to Nassau, Bahamas (about an hour or less away). You can't really tell, but there's a little bit of the island is the far, far distance lol just along the top of the water
We found this in one of the shop areas. Here's trev haha
This is one of the pictures we took on the catamaran while we were on our way to the first snorkeling spot. I really thought that I would have freaked out about snorkeling in such deep water, but I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Trevor freaked out a little at first because the guy basically threw him into the water before he was ready. He was fine after about 15 minutes, then it was like he was a natural and had been snorkeling for years! It was GREAT!
Here is the coral reef that we snorkeled over. There were tons of fish around it.
This is the beach we visited after snorkeling. Isn't it beautiful?
Look at how beautiful the water is! I wish I was still there...
Trevor and mom at dinner on the second or third night!
Trevor and Terry...
Mom and I at dinner...
Terry and I...
This is the casino on the ship. You are able to gamble at sea if you are 18 or older, so Terry gave me a $20 and I went to work. I played the penny slots first, but had to bet 20 cents each time. At one point I won up to $12.04 (+ the $20 I already had, so I was up to $32.04!), so I left that machine to go cash in. When I left the machine, I felt like I wanted to play some more so I found some different machines to play at. At a different one, I had got down to 50 cents (I had lost almost EVERYTHING!), but this machine was really cool. There were 5 reels or whatever they are, and if you got BONUS on two reels, they locked those and let the other three spin once to see if you could get one or more BONUS's. If you got another BONUS, the machine gave you FIFTEEN FREE SPINS! how awesome is that? So I just so happened to get 15 extra spins (plus some since I got a couple more BONUS's in those 15 spins). In the end, I ended up winning $12.96 cents :) pretty good for a first timer, especially since I was down so much!
Here is a picture I took of the picture we had taken after dinner one night. We clean up nicely if you ask me!
The back of the ship while we were sailing. The second pool was located back here. Both pools were salt water pools
Here we are pulling into St. Thomas on the fourth day of our trip!
WENDYS!!!!! lol
Ok, this guy totally saw me taking a picture, so he decides to step in and pick his nose....awesome.
Here is a really great picture of our entire ship. we were a couple miles from the port and there was an open area for people to go to the ocean so I took a picture :)
The kids here were still in school here.
You're Welcome! :)
Pulling into St. Maarten. There are two sides to this extremely small island: the Dutch side (where they spell it St. Maarten) and the French side (where they spell it St. Martin). The island is 37 square miles, with the Dutch side being the smaller of the two sides.
Welcome the St. Maarten :)
Everything in this shop is made out of bamboo! sheets for your bed, shirts, towels, etc.
Tommy Hilfiger
Polo Ralph Lauren
A cute hotel
MCDONALDS!!! I saw it about a mile away :) lol it was two stories long. I got a kit kat mcflurry. They didn't mix it up like we do here, and they added a layer of hot fudge under the kit kat pieces lol it was YUMMY!!!! Oh, and they sold Beer here, and chicken wings lol
Haagen-Daz <3
an AWESOME candy store. Everything was 3cents/gram, and he had EVERYTHING!!!
The picture doesn't do it justice, but this lizard was big! lol
Mom and Terry on our last snorkeling trip
This is the sail that was on our catamaran
Mine and Trevor's room. It had NO windows so unless I set an alarm, we never knew what time it was! lol
A pretty sunset. I took this on the serenity deck. That was the "Adults Only" deck. It was very pretty!
I found out that I can FLOAT!!!!! I'm a terrible floater lol
It was Trevor's birthday the last day we were on the ship, so mom suprised him by ordering a cakem and they delivered it to him during our dinner. Our waiter made him ears our of this napkin and put it on his head lol
When we got back to Florida, mom and Terry agreed to take me to DOWNTOWN DISNEY!!!! yayyyyyyy!! my very favorite part of the whole trip hahaha
ALRIGHT!!!! that's a lot of pictures for you guys to check out so let me know what you think of them!! :)
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