ok so i know what you guys are probably thinking as you read this: "Alex is a terrible blogger!" haha well fear not people, i have now decided that from this day forward, i will (try) to post something every single day! next week might be a problem though because i will be in Maryland, but i can always attempt to post from my new phone :) which brings me to my first story. Ok, so last Friday (June 19th), i was supposed to wake up at 7am to go to the health clinic to get some shots for school [being a nursing student has SO many perks (sarcasm..hehe)] and i remind her that the new iPhone was coming out that morning also and, with fingers crossed, asked if we could go get one since i dropped my old one in water and was using my old razor. to my suprise, she said YES! so we hop in the car and head over to the nearest AT&T store and wait to get the new phone. afterwards, we head over to the clinic and it turns out that they were closed because it was West Virginia Day. mom thought it was too good to be true that the parking lot was empty haha. so i take her to work and head home to take care of trev. around 3:30, trev tries to call mom from my new phone and for some reason she can't hear him. so he tries again and she still can't hear who is calling, so he calls her from our home phone and is finally able to reach her. turns out the microphone on my brand new phone wasn't working. so i take it to the AT&T store and they tried to fix the problem but couldn't. then they told me that i could go home and restore the factory settings and maybe that would work and if it didn't, to call the 1-800 number to Apple and hopefully they would be able to help me. so i restore it and it starts to work. then the next day, i try to set up my voicemail, and the mic is no longer working. so then i call Apple and they told me i could take it to an Apple store and they could try to fix it, or they could send me another brand new phone, but would charge me $30. so my mom told them that the phone is not even a day old and we shouldn't have to pay to have it fix when we didn't do anything to it in the first place. so they told her that they will send me a brand new phone, and i just received it in the mail this morning at about 10:30am :) and i am happy to say that this phone WORKS! here's a picture of what my new phone looks like:
i decided to get the white one instead of the black because almost everyone has black and i thought that a white one would be a nice change :)
ok on to my NEXT subject: katelyn's wedding!
yes, the wedding is this saturday!!!! i can't believe that it's already here!! tonight is the bachelorette party and i'm really excited. two of katelyn's bridesmaids are unable to attend the party, but we invited two of katelyn's close friends so it's going to be an awesome night! it's going to be Sabrina Ellis, Britney Clagg, Jessi Pierson (MISS WEST VIRGINA!), Lauren Sayre, Katelyn, and me. we are having dinner at Olive Garden at 6 and then coming back to my house to make yummy sundaes and watch a couple movies :) im VERY excited!
so AFTER katelyn's wedding, i will be going to Maryland to visit my boyfriend. he is actually driving all the way to Huntington the day before the wedding, and then we're going to leave on sunday :) im so excited because i havent seen him since May 9th! here's a picture of him and i:

his name is matt cleer. he's from La Plata, MD. we met at a Marshall basketball game through a mutual friend (lauren), and we have been dating for almost 4 months. this picture was taken on the beach at night on our spring break trip to Outer Banks. we went with a big group of friends and stayed in a beach house close to the beach. unfortunately it was TOO COLD to do much so we walked around in jeans and jackets the whole time! here are some photos from the trip:

the first picture is of Kate, Lauren, and myself. we were the only girls to make it to Outer Banks. there were other girls but they decided that they didn't want to come, even though they had most of everyone's luggage (not mine and matt's thank goodness!), but everything worked out and im glad that the people who decided to go on the trip went because it was a blast!!! note in this picture that we are ON the beach, but we're freezing. yes, it was TERRIBLY cold there!
the second picture is another one of just the girls, only this time we're wearing the OBX shirts we all bought :)
the third picture is of wedding decorations at the Greenbrier. on our way home, the people in matt's car decided to take a detour and visit. i was in my PAJAMAS! how embarassing haha oh well.
WELLL people, i better go and get ready for this wild party tonight ;) see ya!