Tuesday, July 14, 2009
soooo this week is a very lonely one. trevor (my little brother) left for camp this past sunday so i've been home alone by myself for two days (or atleast until my parents get home around 5pm). i dont mind being by myself, but i just get bored! SO bored that i end up cleaning. today, i made my bed, swiffered the floor, carried the desktop computer from my room back downstairs and hooked it all back in, and dusted my desk. yea..........im one bored chick! haha
well...i dont think there's anything else to talk about :( oh well.
talk to ya next time!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
anyways, we're taking Trevor
to camp cowen today. that place is truly heaven on earth! I'm so sad that I can't go back and be a camper anymore. I would love to be a counselor though! maybe next summer?
-- Post From My iPhone
Saturday, July 11, 2009
June 23rd: for katelyn's bachelorette party, we went to olive garden for dinner and came back to my house to make ice cream sundaes and watch movies. the girls who came were britney clagg (bridesmaid), sabrina ellis (bridesmaid), jessie pierson (miss west virginia...yes, the miss west virginia who participated in the miss usa pagent and made it all the way to the top 10!), lauren sayre (friend of katelyn's), katelyn (the bride - obviously), and myself (sister of the bride and maid of honor). dinner was amazing and so were the sundaes. for the movie, we watched bride wars (how fitting - hehe) and it was a really good movie. everyone left around 10:30 or 11pm.
June 27th aka the day before the wedding!: today was fun :) the rehearsal dinner went well, and i managed to hold back my happy tears despite seeing my mom and mammaw cry and seeing katelyn tear up a tiny bit. for the dinner we had buddy's bar-b-que...MMMM!
another awesome thing that happened on this day was that i finally got to see my boyfriend for the first time in two months!!
June 28th aka KATELYN AND CURT'S WEDDING DAY!!: my day started out at 10am by getting my makeup done with my sister and all her bridesmaids. then hair appointments were at 11am. the girls were supposed to meet at the church at 1pm on the dot to get dressed and go to the rose garden at ritter park for pictures, but the hair appointments ran over a little and everyone made it to the church at 1:30pm. i think katelyn was the last to get dressed haha. anyways, terry brought the van to the church because katelyn's dress wouldn't be able to fit in any other car and guess who ended up with the responsibility to get the bride to the rose garden? yea....me. so we finally make it to the rose garden and everyone is waiting, but katelyn doesn't want curt to see her yet so we tell him to go to the other side of the garden and wait for katelyn to walk up behind him. i had to hold katelyn's train up so it wouldn't get dirty. the pictures taken were beautiful. finally, it's time for the ceremony. it was beautiful and it went off without a hitch. time for the reception. everything was beautiful and the food was delicious. unfortunately i didnt get any cake :( not even from the whole sheet cake my parents brought home. but i am happy that i got through my toast without throwing up/stuttering/freaking out! haha even though i didnt introduce myself :( oh well. im sure people knew!
June 29th: matt and i left around 1pm to drive back to his hometown.
June 30th: matt, his parents, and i all go to Washington, D.C. for the day. Dinner was at Ruth's Chris, which just happens to be the most amazing steak restaurant in the entire world!!! Pictures to follow later!
July 2nd: matt's mom makes the most amazing waffles! i always look forward to the last morning that we're there just so i can have two of his mom's waffles! haha matt and i leave maryland to come back to logan, wv to spend time with some of our college friends. we went to the freedom festival and got to see camels, llamas, goats, and pigs!
July 3rd: matt and i finally make it back to huntington.
July 4th: matt and i make a trip to cincinnati for the reds game against the cardinals. good thing about the game = we won!!! bad things about the game = it sprinkled rain the whole time and i didnt get a Jay Bruce bobblehead...and that was the whole point in me wanting to go to the game on july 4th in the first place!!!! ughhh and we were going to go to King's Island after the reds game but it wouldn't stop raining so we went the the Kenwood mall, ate dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, and then spent the night with matt's college roommate, tyler brumfield.
July 5th: the perfect day to go to King's Island! we woke up at 9:30 and ate a yummy breakfast that tyler's mom made for us. we made it to king's island around 10:30am and rode rides until around 4:30 or 5pm, then went home to huntington. we went to blockbuster as soon as we got home and got a movie to watch the night before he left to go back home to maryland.
July 6th: matt leaves around 9am to go back home to maryland :(
well that's about it that has been going on with me! im going to try to blog more often so i dont have to write this much anymore! haha ok, now for some wonderful pictures!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
first post in about 4 MONTHS!
i decided to get the white one instead of the black because almost everyone has black and i thought that a white one would be a nice change :)
ok on to my NEXT subject: katelyn's wedding!
yes, the wedding is this saturday!!!! i can't believe that it's already here!! tonight is the bachelorette party and i'm really excited. two of katelyn's bridesmaids are unable to attend the party, but we invited two of katelyn's close friends so it's going to be an awesome night! it's going to be Sabrina Ellis, Britney Clagg, Jessi Pierson (MISS WEST VIRGINA!), Lauren Sayre, Katelyn, and me. we are having dinner at Olive Garden at 6 and then coming back to my house to make yummy sundaes and watch a couple movies :) im VERY excited!
so AFTER katelyn's wedding, i will be going to Maryland to visit my boyfriend. he is actually driving all the way to Huntington the day before the wedding, and then we're going to leave on sunday :) im so excited because i havent seen him since May 9th! here's a picture of him and i:
Monday, February 2, 2009
GO STEELERS!!! (even though im a Bengals fan!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
disregard the last post because........
maybe we wont have classes tomorrow either..? i hope not! :)
Monday, January 26, 2009
snow days are over for me....

Friday, January 23, 2009
"when i grow up..."
Monday, January 19, 2009

me showing off my new tobagon and scarf
me being silly in my room