thats (September 19) Marshall University students do not have classes today due to a power outage caused by a rat. yes, a RAT! and i LOVE that rat haha.
anywho, this weekend im going on a retreat with BCM. we're going to Parchment Valley in Beckley, WV and im VERY excited. ive only been on one retreat in my life and i think that was in middle that was a LONG time ago!
mom went out of town on wednesday. i dont remember where she went, but she comes home today!!! ive missed her!
OH YEAH!! tuesday was my first iTEAMS meeting with my group and we quickly found out that this year would be very different from last year. see, last year BCM had a different pastor but he retired this year and now we have someone new. and the new pastor (his name is adam...ill get back to u on his last name thinking its goodwin??) thinks we should pick out own book to read as a group instead of everyone read the same book first semester like the old pastor liked...SOOOO i go to our first group meeting and only 3 out of seven (no including the leader) showed up (everyone who didnt show up had a very good reasons though). we made a list of some of the books we are considering and here is the list:
Searching: For God Knows What- Donald Miller
Blue Like Jazz- Donald Miller
And The Bride Wore White- Dannah Gresh
Perspectives- Colin Creel (i like this one)
Wired- Louis Giglio (and this one)
A Woman After God's Own Heart- Elizabeth George
and here are some i found online that i thought might be good:
Searching for God in a Bottomless Purse: On Faith by Karen Lee-Thorp
Overcoming the Seven Deadly Emotions by Michelle Borquez
Girl Perfect by Jennifer Strickland
Developing the D. I. V. A. in You: Divinely Inspired Virtuous Asset by Terri Smith-Little
if u know of any books that would be good for a small group of girls, could u let me know? that'd be great!!!
but i have to go pack for the retreat!